06, 2024

President Vahagn Khachaturyan received U.S. Special Representative Nina Hachigian

President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan received U.S. Special Representative for City and State Diplomacy, ambassador Nina Hachigian.

Welcoming Nina Hachigian, the President stressed the importance of her visit to Armenia and stressed the need to intensify close cooperation at the community level.

"I am confident that your visit will contribute to the intensification of cooperation at the community level through the exchange of experience and mutual assistance. Establishing direct links between different cities or communities is very important," the President said.

Nina Hachigian thanked for the reception. "I am happy to see the expansion of cooperation between our two countries. I hope that my visit will be useful in the context of the development of cooperation," she said.

The interlocutors agreed that the two countries can find new opportunities for cooperation between cities, regions and states, as well as further enhance cooperation as sister cities.

The sides stressed the implementation of joint work in spheres with great potential for cooperation and the intensification of practical steps.

They both noted the importance of the joint statement adopted within the framework of the recent Capstone meeting of the RA-USA Strategic Dialogue, which outlined a vision for deepening bilateral ties in the coming year and upgrading the status of bilateral dialogue to a Strategic Partnership.

A reference was made to the recent developments taking place in our country and the region.

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