06, 2024

President Vahagn Khachaturyan received Ambassador of Georgia to Armenia George Sharvashidze

President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Armenia George Sharvashidze.

"Using this opportunity, I would like to congratulate You and the friendly people of Georgia on the occasion of Independence Day. I am confident that the existing unique relations between our states will contribute to the further expansion of the bilateral agenda and the conquest of new horizons. Our relations are also exemplary in the sense that they show how neighboring countries should interact with each other. Even today, we are witnessing how our Georgian friends and colleagues are hand in hand with us in the restoration of the railway damaged by the disaster in Tavush and Lori regions. Our relationship was also shaped by such small episodes and continues to develop in the same way.

Friendly ties are strengthening year by year, and I am glad that since this January our countries have signed Strategic Partnership Declaration, which means that we have already reached a new level of relations at the state level, and in this logic our joint cooperation in political, economic, cultural and other spheres will continue."- President Khachaturyan said.

The Ambassador of Georgia to Armenia, in turn, expressed gratitude for the warm welcome and congratulations. "As You mentioned, our relations, of course, have a centuries-old history. I am very happy that this brotherhood reached the level of strategic partnership when in January Armenia and Georgia signed Strategic Partnership Declaration.

On behalf of my government, I would also like to express special gratitude for voting in favor of the resolution on the right of return of all displaced persons and refugees from Georgia's Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia at the UN General Assembly on June 4. This is very important for us."

During the meeting, issues on the agenda of cooperation between neighboring countries were discussed. A reference was made to the importance of events dedicated to the anniversaries of Sergei Parajanov and Charles Aznavour in Armenia and Georgia.

The sides noted with satisfaction the continuous growth of trade turnover and mutual tourist visits between the two countries. They highly appreciated the periodic mutual visits between Armenia and Georgia at the highest political level.

The sides exchanged views on the importance of border demarcation normal process between the South Caucasian republics.

In this context, the need to advance steps towards the establishment of a stable and lasting peace in the region based on territorial integrity, sovereignty and fundamental rights and principles of independence of the countries was emphasized.

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