05, 2024

President Vahagn Khachaturyan attended the discussion titled "Outlines of advanced growth of the RA economy: medical industry" in ASUE

President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan attended the discussion titled "Outlines of advanced growth of the RA economy: medical industry" in Armenian State University of Economic (ASUE).

In his opening speech, President of Armenia Vahagn Khachaturyan attached great importance to such discussions and stressed that in any case, especially in this case, a comprehensive and in-depth analysis is necessary before implementing the health insurance system.

The President noted that the application of an effective healthcare model is of fundamental importance in terms of more efficient use of funds and ensuring high-quality healthcare, its accessibility and convenience for our citizens.

During the discussion, the acting Rector of ASUE Armen Grigoryan also made an introductory speech.

Gagik Badadyan, an expert of ASUE "Amberd" research center, presented the report "The current state of the RA healthcare system and the foundations of financing healthcare services". Gagik Hakobyan, an expert of the same center, referred to the topic of health insurance, considering it as a component of the development of the RA healthcare system.

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