12, 2019

President Sarkissian sent a message to the authors of the resolution and members of the Senate: I highly appreciate the decision of the Senate and would like to convey to you and the American people the deepest gratitude of the Armenian people

President Armen Sarkissian sent a message to the Majority leader Mitch McConnell, Minority leader Chuck Schumer, Senators Bob Menendez and Ted Cruz on the occasion of a unanimous adoption by the US Senate of the Resolution on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

“I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you and the members of the U.S. Senate for the unanimous adoption of the Resolution affirming Armenian Genocide, the most powerful step towards preventing future atrocities and crimes against humanity.

The Senate’s decision is a remarkable step toward reaffirming that veracity, justice and humanity profoundly constitute the fundamental pillars and values of international human rights. With this respect, I highly appreciate the decision of the United States Senate and would like to seize this opportunity to convey to you and the American people the warm regards and deepest gratitude on behalf of the Armenian people.

I strongly believe that we should continue to develop the strategic dialogue between Armenia and the United States, intensify bilateral contacts and enhance efforts to further strengthen our partnership and cooperation in all possible areas,” reads the message of President Sarkissian.

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