12, 2009

President Serzh Sargsyan held a reception for representatives of mass media on the occasion of New Year and Christmas holidays

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President Serzh Sargsyan held a reception at the Presidential Palace for over two hundred representatives of mass media on the occasion of New Year and Christmas holidays.

The President of Armenia congratulated the journalists on the occasion and said, “Year 2009 will soon come to an end. It’s been full of vigorous events and remarkable developments. It is no secret that your words, your position and point of view really matter in our society since it is from you that our society first learns about all the happenings. It means that the chronicle of our state is written in part also by you. It’s my wish and desire that this chronicle comes out as unbiased and comprehensive as possible. Imagine a historian who will try to picture the events and atmosphere reigning today in Armenia going through the media of the time. I think you’ll agree that he will not always have a comprehensive picture, the printed material will not always be a reliable source, and the conclusions reflected in there will not always be unbiased.

We appreciate your difficult work which sometimes demands civic courage. Be assured that any, I would like to repeat, unbiased and concerned publication regarding any problem in our country has been and will be appreciated. Raising alarm publications, outspoken materials help the authorities to avoid mistakes, prevent them in time, and always be alert.

I wish that in 2010 you have ample opportunities to bring joyous news to our people. When tragedy strikes in any corner of the world, all are talking about it: The bigger the tragedy, the bigger the audience and response. I wish that in 2010 it is only good news that attract huge audiences and response, news about scientific breakthroughs, achievements in sports – this makes people happy.

I also wish that in 2010, with you help, we have such a degree of civil liberties, democracy, and tolerance that it will not be necessary to be courageous for our journalists and citizens to be frank, to voice an opinion, or conduct journalist investigation.

I believe year 2009 has been a productive one for our entire media. Taking this opportunity, I thank all those journalists who throughout this year have been covering activities of the President and the Presidential staff. Summarizing the year’s work, it is easy to see how much effort and time it takes from you and your colleagues to do it.

I am confident that working together, even speaking from differing positions, we will move our country and our society forward, and 2010 will become a vivid testimony to that advancement.

Once again, I congratulate you on the occasion of New Year and Christmas. I wish you in 2010 to be active, principled, and fair.

Happy New Year!

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