02, 2009

President Serzh Sargsyan held a working meeting with the Chairman of the National Television and Radio Commission

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan held a working meeting with the Chairman of the National Television and Radio Commission, Grigor Amalian.

At the meeting discussed were issues related to the existing problems in the area of TV and radio broadcasting and prospects of the area’s development. Grigor Amalian briefed the President of Armenia on the Commission’s approaches towards solving problems and its visito of the area’s further development.

Sharing public concern regarding the quality of the existing TV and radio programs, Serzh Sargsyan stressed the importance of introducing systemic changes, necessity of improving the pertaining legal field, and expressed readiness to support these processes.

The President of Armenia instructed the Chairman of the National Television and Radio Commission to propose a format which would allow civil and public structure to influence the contents of the programs on the TV and radio channels.

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