06, 2024

Working visit of the President Vahagn Khachaturyan to Gyumri

Today, President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan attended the official opening ceremony of two more residential buildings built by the Hayastan All Armenian Fund in the Mush-2 district of Gyumri.

The apartment complex is designed for 50 families. Both the families having lost their home as a result of the earthquake in 1988, and families of military personnel who died and who received movement disabilities during the 44-day war will settle there.

As part of the same program, two more buildings with 36 apartments, a kindergarten and four studios were commissioned in 2022.

Welcoming those present, the President of the Republic said: "Congratulations on this wonderful event. In fact, the liquidation of the consequences of the 1988 earthquake should have been completed a long time ago. However, since they still exist, the authorities, the state, and we all have an obligation to eliminate all this, and the construction of these buildings pursues exactly this goal.

In fact, we all together must prove that our aspiration to live better, to live in a more prosperous country is non-negotiable and we will do everything for it. Of course, only thanks to our unity we will be able to overcome all difficulties.

I would like to thank all those people, our compatriots in the Diaspora, who contributed greatly to the construction of these buildings, especially our compatriots living in the state of California, all those who helped Hayastan Fund to make all this come true, to make many people's dreams come true. Also important is the desire to be useful and supportive, which is present among our compatriots.

We are also building roads, investing in infrastructure and the economy to once again show that Armenia is a sovereign state capable of solving its problems. I would also like to thank all those people, including our partner countries, who are really sincerely ready to help us overcome difficulties.

In fact, what is happening now, I do not mean specifically today's event, but what is happening in and around the Republic of Armenia is the proof that we really want to live independently, sovereignly and develop our country with our capabilities, our means, our work.

Once again, I would like to thank Hayastan Fund and all benefactors. Since 1992, Hayastan Fund has taken an active part in all events taking place in the life of the Republic of Armenia, especially it has done things that only the fund could do thanks to its benefactors. I would also like the future activities of Hayastan Fund to include more educational, cultural and creative programs. There is also art and cultural orientation in the idea of constructing these buildings. This idea was the basis for the construction of buildings, because we took into account the fact that we are located in Gyumri, which is the center of formation of our cultural and artistic taste.

I am glad that Gyumri is regaining its former reputation it had for many years. I am sure that thanks to the people of Gyumri, as well as the supporters of Gyumri, Gyumri will really become the city of our dreams, which we want to have, and which we are rediscovering now.

I congratulate all of you and wish you success, new achievements and, of course, peace."

After the opening ceremony of residential buildings, President Khachaturyan answered questions from journalists.

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