12, 2009

President Sargsyan attended the opening ceremony of the fully renovated medical center in Hrazdan town

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Today, President Serzh Sargsyan attended the opening ceremony of the fully renovated medical center in Hrazdan town of Kotayk marz.

The center has been renovated in the framework of the World Bank “Modernization of the Armenia’s health care system” loan program. Among the rural hospitals enlisted in the program the Hrazdan Medical Center is the first to conclude renovation works.

Hrazdan Medical Center, LLC comprises the hospital of Hrazdan, outpatient facility, and maternity ward. The Hrazdan Medical College is also to be relocated here.

This is the first modern medical center among the rural medical facilities equipped with basic medical apparatus. The renovation of the center was also brought on by the strategy of optimization of the RA’s medical structure which is aimed at the upgrading of quality and efficiency of medical services.

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