The President of the Republic of Armenia
The President
The Office
Congratulatory telegrams
Press releases
Statements and messages
Interviews and press conferences
Telegrams and messages
Congratulatory telegrams
Telegrams of Condolence
Accreditation of mass medias
05, 2009
Congratulatory message by President Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of Republic Day
Dear Compatriots: I congratulate us all on the occasion of Republic Day. May 28, 1918 crowned the centuries-long struggle of the Armenian people. Our people who had gone through foreign oppression, brutal exploitation, racial and religious discrimination, persecutions, massacres and, ultimately, genocide finally assumed responsibility – responsibility for our own destiny, assumed responsibility before the world and before history. It was a moment when many thought that Armenia and the...
05, 2009
Congratulatory message of President Serzh Sargsyan to the highschool graduates
Dear Graduates, This is a festive day for you. You are graduating from the school and are opening a new page in your lives. Every one of you will have many pages like this in your life. You all have many dreams and aspirations. Some of you have probably already decided on what they want to do in your lives, the others are still pondering over the choices. I am confident that you, the today's graduates, are destined to become the driving force moving our young democracy forward....
05, 2009
President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory address on the occasion of the 85th birthday of Charles Aznavour
President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory address on the occasion of the 85th birthday of Charles Aznavour. The message states: “Dear Charles, I cordially congratulate you on your 85th anniversary. I am happy that we’ve celebrated this glorious jubilee together, in the land of your ancestors. This was a splendid occasion for the people of Armenia to once again enjoy your presence. You have been praised and venerated for decades, your exceptional creations are being...
05, 2009
Congratulatory address by President Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day
"Dear Fellow Citizens, Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War and brothers-in-arms of the Artsakh liberation war, I congratulate all of you on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day. Victories are imprinted in the nations’ memory forever, and this day is one of the most brilliant pages on our calendar of festive dates. Today, we relate to our children and grandchildren about the valor and sacrifice of the talented Armenian military commanders and courageous soldiers, we recall that...
05, 2009
Congratulatory Address of President Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of Labor Day
Dear Compatriots, I congratulate you on the occasion of Labor Day. This traditional holiday glorifies and honors creation and work. Today’s global economic and financial crisis hits hard both the employers and the employees, however, just as anywhere else in the world in Armenia too it is the working people who are carrying the burden of the crisis. The authorities of Armenia are well aware of it and realize that solutions for the current problems should be anchored on the...
04, 2009
Congratulatory message of President Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of Motherhood and Beauty Day
President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of Motherhood and Beauty Day The message states: "Dear Ladies, I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of Motherhood and Beauty Day. Motherhood has been held sacred since time immemorial and the humanity has always been treating mothers with reverence and admiration. Today we use this opportunity to once again to vow our love and wish all the best to our mothers, wives, grandmas, sisters, and daughters –...