08, 2024

The congratulatory message of President Vahagn Khachaturyan on the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of Armenia

Dear citizens of the Republic of Armenia,

34 years ago, on this day, the modern history of Armenia was complemented by reality, which was supposed to be the starting point for the revival of our statehood and the state after a centuries-long break: the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR adopted the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence marked the beginning of a new cycle, the logical continuation and end point of which was the independence referendum held on September 21, 1991.

However, the Declaration is not a one-time document, but a much more meaningful and symbolic pillar that will become a guideline for the realization of the age-old aspirations and dreams of our people to create an independent and sovereign state. This is exactly what the spirit of the Declaration is aimed at, which is not confined in its 12 principles, and thus this document, which is important for our statehood, is more viable, flexible and relevant.

The Declaration of Independence was the first step towards realizing the inalienable right of the Republic of Armenia to be on the political map of the world and at the same time consolidating its commitment to building a free, democratic, law-based and prosperous state.

Dear compatriots,

The Declaration of Independence is not only a symbol of the revival of our statehood and an important document, but also the highest responsibility for all of us. It is the most important program for organizing the state and public life of our country, which defines our priorities: the creation of state institutions, equality of all before the law, increasing the combat capability of the army, creating a competitive education and economic system, ensuring fundamental freedoms and human and civil rights.

Congratulations to all of us on the 34th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Armenia.

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