05, 2024

President Vahagn Khachaturyan’s message on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day

Dear compatriots,

Congratulations to all of us on the Victory and Peace Day.

79 years ago, this day was marked by the victory of advanced humanity in the great war against fascism. The Armenian people made a great contribution to this victory and suffered heavy losses.

However, the meaning of May 9 is not only a military victory, this victory, above all, has the content of freedom, peace and the prevention of unjust wars in the future.

Dear compatriots,

Our nation, based on their historical experience, know very well the price of both war and peace.

Today, when our state is once again on the threshold of difficult challenges and trials, our duty and responsibility to the memory of our grandfathers, fathers, brothers and sons who died in the Second World War and the Artsakh War is to selflessly defend and preserve the independence and freedom of our state, establish peace for our country and people and, of course, spare no effort and energy for strengthening our state.

Congratulating once again on this festive day, I wish peace and prosperity to our state, good health to our veterans and eternal glory to the fallen Armenians.

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