Statements and messages of the President of RA
Message by the President of Armenia

Dear Fellow Citizens,
Tomorrow, at the National Assembly the second round of the elections of the Prime Minister of Armenia will take place.
This is a crucial and vital moment for the future of Armenia. All of us, and firstly political decision makers, as well as our whole nation in Armenia, Artsakh and Spyurk, should assess the situation and make our steps keeping in mind this notion.
If we want to emerge victorious from this situation, and we have to emerge victorious, we need to channel carefully the enormous vigor that our public has accumulated during these days and uphold the credibility which Armenia has earned with the international community through this democratic movement.
We anticipate that political forces represented in the National Assembly in making decisions will demonstrate the utmost wisdom and foresight and will be guided by public welfare and national interest.
I am confident that all issues can be solved in the spirit of national accord.
This is what our people anticipate from political leaders.
I am confident that a conciliatory solution will create in Armenia the atmosphere of trust and our citizens, along with the entire Armenian nation, will join in rebuilding our Fatherland.
So, let’s work for a New Armenia!