10, 2013

President Serzh Sargsyan’s Address to the 18th Convention of Armenia’s Composers and Musicologists Union


I warmly salute participants of the 18th Convention of Armenia’s Composers and Musicologists Union and cordially congratulate on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Union.

I would like to note with special satisfaction that the role of the creative unions in strengthening a democratic system of values and maturing of our civil society is indispensable; their activities greatly promote vivacity and development of the relevant area of arts.

It would be hard to overestimate the Union’s role in the shaping and development of the musical art which is a national value and a source of pride for our nation. Since its creation, the Union has been uniting Armenian composers and musicologists, assisting in their creative and organizational activities.

I am confident that you – devotees of the Armenian musical art, with your thoughtful and wise decisions will develop and enrich the traditions of the Armenian culture.

I wish the Convention constructive and creative works for the benefit of our national music’s further development.

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