09, 2024

President Vahagn Khachaturyan participated in the launch of the Second Global Armenian Summit

President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan participated in the opening of the Second Global Armenian Summit and delivered a welcoming speech.

"I am glad to welcome you at the opening ceremony of the Second Global Armenian Summit.

Such events are a long-awaited and happy opportunity to meet each other, to identify the problems we face and to find their solutions with joint efforts. The Diaspora is the wealth of our country and our citizens, with its diversity, role and opportunities, and accordingly, the Republic of Armenia is the home and refuge of the Armenians scattered over the world, regardless of time, authorities, internal and external developments.

Meetings with our compatriots in the Diaspora are always important for us, in terms of getting to know more thoroughly the issues that concern you. It is also an excellent opportunity to discuss reforms implemented in various fields, issues related to the progress and development of our country.

In the unstoppable flow of time and events around us, when we witness rapid developments, changes in technology, science, communication and even changes in the world order that pose new challenges and require new solutions and principles, sometimes it becomes imperative to turn to traditional relationships. In this regard, the united and strong Diaspora is Armenia’s the most powerful ally.

I often say at meetings with our compatriots from the Diaspora that they are ambassadors of our country all over the world, therefore, to put it figuratively, in your person Armenia has the largest diplomatic apparatus in the world, because, being worthy and responsible citizens of your countries, you simultaneously represent today's Armenia, our culture, traditions and history.

Today we stand at a pivotal point in history, a time of radical changes, new relationships and opportunities. Despite all the existing problems, Armenia remains faithful to its commitment to establish an era of peace. We have embarked on the implementation of comprehensive reforms aimed at strengthening democratic institutions, increasing the country's defense capabilities, creating a competitive and attractive economic environment, establishing justice in the country, improving the quality of life and well-being of citizens. These reforms are the foundation on which we are building a safer, fairer, more prosperous, inclusive and powerful Armenia.

Dear compatriots,

Today we face challenges that test our resolve, strength and resilience. Your involvement is extremely important, be it cultural initiatives, educational programs or investments.

Believe that distance cannot diminish our common bond, your voice is heard, your actions are important, and together we can build the Armenia that will reflect our collective aspirations."


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