05, 2024

President Vahagn Khachaturyan received a delegation headed by Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission and Trade Commissioner


President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan received a delegation headed by Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission and Trade Commissioner.

Welcoming the guests, the President of the Republic highly appreciated the existing level of close cooperation between Armenia and the European Union and expressed confidence that it will be long-lasting.

"I am confident that Your visit will also contribute to the further development and expansion of Armenia-EU deep cooperation, I also want to emphasize that the Armenian authorities have the necessary political will and courage to continue to promote democratic reforms carried out in the country, in cooperation and with the assistance of the European Union," the President said.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Valdis Dombrovskis noted that the multi-layered cooperation between Armenia and the European Union has a significant potential for development, and bilateral efforts should be directed to its implementation.
During the meeting the sides touched upon issues related to financial-economic, energy, infrastructure, capital market and other sectors. Reference was made to the realization process of a number of large projects implemented jointly with the European Union and upcoming initiatives.

Over the course of the conversation, both sides attached importance to the democratic reforms carried out in Armenia, both in the economy and in other spheres of public life in recent years. The sides exchanged views on the ways of green and alternative energy development in Armenia. In this regard, President Vahagn Khachaturyan emphasized that the high-tech sector, as well as the development of alternative energy is one of the priority directions for Armenia and significant successes have already been recorded.

The sides also touched upon the steps being taken towards the diversification of the Armenian economy and elimination of obstacles along the way.

During the conversation, a reference was made to the "Crossroads of Peace" project put forward by Armenia, in this context the President of the Republic emphasized that the establishment of stable and lasting peace is an important prerequisite for the smooth and dynamic development of all countries in the region. The President also reaffirmed Armenia's clear position in establishing good-neighborly relations with its neighbors within the framework of international fundamental rights and norms, territorial integrity of countries and the priority principles of sovereignty.


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