07, 2020

President Sarkissian handed awards to a group of representatives of the musical, arts, and sport areas: I am glad that your years-long dedicated patriotic work is appreciated not only with awards but also with people’s respect

By the decree of the President of Armenia, a group of representatives of the musical, arts, and sport areas – Edward Tadevossian, first violin and the Creative Director of the Komitas National Quartet, viola player of the Quartet Alexander Kosemian, second violin Suzy Eritsian, director of the Quarter Samvel Mesropian, and cellist Aram Talalain, literary critic Avetik Isahakian and Director of the Yerevan office of the Pan-Armenian Games David Chibukhchian received high state awards for the considerable contribution to the development of their areas.

Today, the award ceremony took place at the Presidential Palace. The President congratulated the awardees and noted that their work, art and contribution has already earned them appreciation and respect of the people. “I am glad that your years-long dedicated patriotic work is appreciated not only with awards but also with people’s respect,” President Sarkissian said. “I urge you to carry on with the activities you have been fulfilling for years, and I am confident that you will do it with vigor and dedication.”

The awardees in their turn expressed gratitude for appreciating and praising their work even in these difficult times.

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