04, 2020

President Armen Sarkissian initiated series of distant conversations with the heads of cultural, scientific and educational establishments, art people

President Armen Sarkissian initiated a series of distant conversation with the heads of the Republic’s cultural, scientific, educational, and academic establishments and structures, and the art people.

President wishes to encourage them, to learn about their work under the emergency situation and future plans.

In this context, President Armen Sarkissian spoke today on the phone with the Director of the National Museum-Institute of Architecture Mark Grigorian.

The President inquired about the state of the Musuem, the ongoing and future programs. Underscoring the unique place of the Armenian architecture in the world architectural art, President Sarkissian stressed the importance of the Museum’s role in presenting its best traditions. He promised to visit the Museum as soon as the conditions related to the spread of the coronavirus and emergency situation have stabilized.

The National Museum-Institute of Architecture is a distinctive cultural and research institution where the archives of the best architects are preserved, conferences and expert discussions are held, as well as competitions, exhibitions are organized and scientific reference books are published.


President Armen Sarkissian spoke also on the phone with the artistic director and chief conductor of Armenia’s State Philharmonic Orchestra, Eduard Topchian.

The President inquired about the Orchestra’s work under the emergency situation and programs that were planned before.

E. Topchian informed that all plans of the Orchestrea, like everywhere in the world, have been postponed and for the moment the contact with the music loving public is organized via internet.

Stressing the importance of maintaining the connection with audiences, President Sarkissian expressed hope that after the situation has stabilized, all programs would be called to life and noted that some joint programs with the Presidential Administration might be carried out.

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