04, 2019

At the Creative Armenia event President Sarkissian proposed to establish an award: Creativity and art are among the most important qualities of human beings

President Armen Sarkissian and Mrs. Nouneh Sarkissian were present today at the event organized by the Creative Armenia Cultural Fund. At the event, summarized were the results of the Art of Shadows photograph competition and the Creative Armenia Network newly created platform was introduced.

President Sarkissian saluted the activities of the Fund and noted that creativity and art were among the most important qualities of human beings. “I believe one of the most important qualities of our life mode is creativity. Creativity and arts do not belong to artists alone. Craftsmen too, can create art. You know very well the craftsmen who elevate their craft to the level of art; it’s been happening throughout human history. It is not only a picture, a statue, or music that are pieces of art. Simple human attitude can become a piece of art. Look at space: It is an incredibly beautiful piece of art. The entire universe is a huge assortment of very simple and clear-cut laws, created by a few particles. God too, is an artist and has created all that is beautiful. Space and we are created because of it,” President Sarkissian said. He underlined that in the 21st century Armenia has only one way to go – new creative ideas and concepts.

The President of Armenia also came up with a proposal. “I would like with your assistance to establish an annual award for the piece of art which originates not from arts but from craftsmanship. I mean results of construction workers’, carpenters’, blacksmiths’ works which become high art. It will be not a presidential but the Armen and Nouneh Sarkissian award.”

President Sarkissian reminded of the commencement of the series of cultural events to be held at the Presidential Palace and proposed to organize at the Palace once or twice a year the Day of Creative Armenia. “When speaking of the Palace, Presidential Palace, I want you to view it also as a home of creative Armenians,” President Armen Sarkissian said.

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