04, 2019

Armen and Nouneh Sarkissian met with the Director of Matenadaran: Matenadaran has become a regional center of preservation of ancient manuscripts

President Armen Sarkissian and Mrs. Nouneh Sarkissian on April 25 visited the M. Mashtots scientific and research institute of ancient manuscripts and met with the Director of the establishment Vahan Ter-Ghevondian.

The interlocutors spoke about programs implemented by Matenadaran and future projects, discussed a number of issues related to the Institute’s prospective development and international cooperation.

The President of Armenia noted that during his visits abroad, in the framework of his meetings with state leaders and heads of international organizations, he has been constantly presenting the activities of Matenadaran and its huge potential to become a regional center for the research of ancient manuscripts, their preservation, restoration, evaluation, and retraining of specialists.

The parties also underscored that the M. Mashtots scientific and research institute might become the best venue for retraining foreign specialists and scientific research. They also discussed the opportunities of bringing to Matenadaran and restoration of the ancient manuscripts damaged in the course of military actions, for instance from Iraq and Syria.

At the conclusion of the visit, President Sarkissian visited participants of the Little Miniaturists educational program for youngsters.

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