10, 2018

President anticipates active participation of the international financial institutions to the implementation of different programs in our country

President Armen Sarkissian, who is in Switzerland on a working visit, on October 24, in Geneva met with the Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Mukhisa Kituyi.

The President of Armenia stressed the importance of the UNCTAD’s assistance to the economy of our country.

Noting that in different areas of economy, such as information technologies, education, and agriculture Armenia possesses great potential and ambitious programs, President Sarkissian said that our country anticipates active participation of the international financial institutions to the implementation of various programs.

The Secretary General of UNCTAD in his turn hailed Armenia’s growing participation in different programs.

At the meeting, the parties discussed Armenia’s investment policies, external debt management, and issues related to the deepening of cooperation.

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