10, 2017

President receives Eurasian Intergovernmental Council members

President Serzh Sargsyan received today the members of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council: RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan, RF Premier Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Sapar Isakov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov and Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev, who are set to participate in the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council meeting in Yerevan. In attendance was Chairman of the Board of Eurasian Economic Commission Tigran Sargsyan.

The President of Armenia welcomed the heads of government of integration association-member countries and expressed confidence that the upcoming meeting of the Intergovernmental Council in Yerevan would be effective in terms of promoting the Eurasian integration, and might contribute to the implementation of those agreements reached two weeks ago at the EAEU Summit. Serzh Sargsyan stressed the importance of the Council’s ongoing activities and expressed gratitude for active and efficacious work.

Stressing that he was familiar with the agenda of the Yerevan meeting, President Sargsyan highlighted the removal of technical barriers that are impeding the free movement of goods, services, capital and labor in the common market, which in turn have an adverse impact on integration processes. Hopeful that the discussions would lead to specific results, President Sargsyan wished the meeting successful proceedings. Serzh Sargsyan also stressed the importance of informal contacts held in the given format, which promote a broader familiarity with the host country.

The members of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council expressed gratitude for excellent organization of the upcoming meeting. They said to be firmly determined to hold detailed discussions on issues of mutual interest in order to move forward and implement the decisions adopted at the Summits of EAEU Heads of State.

Russian Premier Dmitry Medvedev appreciated the work done so far in terms of boosting economic activity in tune with current trends, so that the member countries’ economies could remain competitive, ensuring their citizens’ normal life and well-being.

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