06, 2017

President Receives Dietmar Nietan, member of the Presidium of the Social Democratic Party of Germany

President Serzh Sargsyan received member of the Presidium of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Deputy Chairman of the German Bundestag Commission on Budgetary Affairs Dietmar Nietan.

Welcoming the guest, Serzh Sargsyan highly appreciated his personal contribution to the strengthening of Armenian-German relations and expressed gratitude for his consistent efforts towards the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide.

“Dear Mr. Nietan, Armenia is well aware of your activities, especially your efforts aimed at restoring historical justice. This is particularly commendable in your case, because being a supporter of the development of Germany-Turkey relations; nonetheless you openly raised your voice for Germany to recognize the Armenian Genocide. In this way, you contributed to the universal struggle against genocides and crimes against humanity,” the Armenian President stated.

During the meeting, President Sargsyan awarded Mkhitar Gosh medal to German Bundestag member Dietmar Nietan for valuable contribution to the cause of worldwide recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Thankful for the high award, Dietmar Nietan quoted famous Genocide expert Eli Wiesel: “Who forgets about the victims, kills them twice.” He stressed that everyone should contribute to the cause of peace, mutual understanding, reconciliation and justice in the world. Mr. Nietan assured that he would do everything to ensure that his efforts did not remain incomplete and that the Armenian Genocide was never abandoned to oblivion.

Wishing every success to Dietman Nietan, President Serzh Sargsyan expressed the hope that the Bundestag Member would keep on endeavoring towards the strengthening of friendly relationship between Armenia and Germany.

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