03, 2018

President Serzh Sargsyan’s Congratulatory Message on Women’s Day

Dear women,

I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of Women’s Day.

Taking advantage of this nice occasion, I address our beloved mothers, sisters, daughters and all our relatives: you bring harmony to the world with your warmth and beauty.

There is no such sphere or field of activity in our country where we could not feel women’s favorable presence and active participation. You are teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs and public figures, mothers of soldiers and military. On behalf of our entire society, I thank you and bow before you.

Dear women,

Your professional achievements and progress, as well as your public and political activities are of exceptional importance for Armenia’s development and future. Your involvement is indispensable in the process of building a more equitable and free society, and a more powerful and prosperous country.

I wish you happiness in private life and every success in your professional career. The healthy and strong family is the wealth of our people and country, and you are the dear keepers of that wealth.

Reiterating my congratulations on this wonderful holiday, I wish you all love and prosperity.

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